Rejuvenations now offering the EnerJet by Sinclair
This is an amazing new way to place Dermal Fillers like Juvederm, Resytlane and Revance Products into the skin without the use of needles and the risks associated with the needle approach.
The high-pressure introduction of dermal filler into skin treatment areas without needles leads to no significant discomfort.
The Dermal Filler solution with the EnerJet will result in local microtrauma and inflammation as well as volume effect that will lift the treatment area and stimulate Collagen and Elastin production.
It is amazing for scar treatment areas, skin tightening in areas of the face or body.

Treatment options are:
- Non-surgical Face and Neck lifts
- Treatment of skin laxity and wrinkles of the face and body
- Post-Acne/ Other Atrophic scars
- Stretch Marks
- Keloid and Other Hypertrophic scars
- Elastosis
- Skin Atrophy
Treatment is non-invasive and once again does not require needles.
This is a Revolutionary new treatment is available exclusively in the Lehigh Valley area at Rejuvenations of Easton.